Thursday, 29 September 2011

The supply of labor

A project of

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: The supply of labor consists of all people between 15 and 65 who want, can and should work. The supply of labor includes not only the people who are looking for a job, so unemployed if they are officially registered, but also the people who already have a job, the workers and the people with their own company: the self-employed. In the self-employed also includes assisting the family. You are not officially unemployed if you are registered at the Centre for Work and Income (CWI).
The population is divided into labor and non-working population. The population is divided into active labor force (the employed and the employees) and the unemployed workforce (registered unemployed). In the non-working people who do hear between 15 and 65 years old but who are not working and not looking for work.
Labor and non-working population is summed age population, which is also potential labor force.


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