Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Theproductivity growthoutside the agricultural sectorof the United Statesslowedin the fourthquarter of 2011, with the recoveryof wages, although the increase inpayment forhoursworkedonly moderateinflationary pressurespoint. Productivity grewat an annual rateof 0.71 percent,the Labor Departmentreported. Economists polledby Reuters had forecasta rise of 0.79percent.In the third quarter, productivity rose 1.92percent.In 2011as a whole,productivity grew0.71 percent, the smallest increase since2008.Thehourly wagerose 1.88percent in the lastthree monthsof the year, after the fallof theprevious two quarters.This rateis well below theU.S. inflation: Consumer pricesrose 3.1 percent in the 12months to December. Thelow growthof wagessupports thevision of theFederalReserve,which seesan environment ofmoderate inflation. This gives thecentral bankmore roomto try tostimulate growthand fight unemployment.Theunitlabor costsrose1.22percent in the fourthquarter.Economistspredicteda rise of 0.8percent
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