Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: At the end of the 19th century, the working conditions better that was because there came a new government, a Liberal cabinet. The working hours were shorter and came first in the Netherlands on social benefits. Of 1914-1918 was the 1st World War, the Netherlands was not directly involved in the war. The war in neighboring countries, the economy was strong back and when the economy goes from behind, also rises in
unemployment. In the
Netherlands was a feeling of togetherness and everybody thought that the government had to intervene because there was much poverty, they found that the government had to finance the unemployed. The government and several unions were becoming better together; in 1914 they were even officially recognized by the government.
In 1929, came the famous "Financial collapse" in from Wall Street, making a world crisis broke out. There were also in the Netherlands there was so many layoffs and high
unemployment. In 1931 this was noticeable in the Netherlands,
unemployment was 16% of the workforce and in 1936 was less than 30%. The less educated were especially hard hit, but they are not alone. There were at the height of the crisis more than half a million unemployed. The unemployment rate also caused boredom and frustration. In the 2nd half of the '30s were very quiet the unemployed, the government arranged for the unemployed, job creation, this was saving on benefits and public works could be carried out for very little money.
In 1939 the 2nd World War broke out and this time was the Netherlands are being involved,
unemployment rose again by the war. There was a lot of money spent on the war, especially ammunition, of course, the economy thus declined and
unemployment rose.
After the war, Netherlands recovered quickly, here are several reasons for the government employers and employees worked closely e.g. the employees accepted prolonged wage moderation. Netherlands also received economic aid from America through the Marshall Plan; they were less than 4 billion dollars.
From 1959 the prosperity grew enormously. It was by the people thought differently about the economy than before the war, they found it not bad that the government debt, which is due at some point that the Netherlands had an enormous debt had built up; the government spent a large amount to social security. In the 50s,
unemployment was not quite over, the benefits and wages were low. There were also all new benefits such as disability insurance, pensions and
unemployment benefits.
In the 60s increased prosperity, in 1965 was also the General Assistance Act, this law was also made a huge step in the direction of the welfare state. The government made in the 60s huge debts, but this was generally accepted.
In the '80s was the welfare problems, the benefits and debts were too high. There was a large group of elderly, the unemployed and disabled, and an ever smaller group of working. To those people all had to be paid a benefit, it was time to give much too high, so grabbed the government. The allowances were lower and the clutch was carefully released. (Link = purchase if the minimum rises, so too the benefits).
In the 90s there is still
unemployment, which will always remain, only the wekloosheid already less. There will always remain homeless, who are still in the time in which we live. There will in future be working hard on social services in the Union.