Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Causes of Unemployment

unemployment in united states

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: There is more than one cause of unemployment for this.
Your frictional unemployment which is unemployment, that occurs because it takes time for an employee to find a job immediately after training.
Seasonal unemployment is that you can work only in certain seasons such as summer in a beach but plenty of work in the winter.
Qualitative structural unemployment is that you do not have proper training for that job. It means that there are other kinds of labor required than that offered. The word quality is in this context means the characteristics a worker.
The labor market is divided into segments such as bricklayers, plumbers and teachers for economics. You also have regional causes such as a shortage of nurses in the east but too many in the west of the country.
Quantitative structure unemployment means that there is too little capital goods with respect to the amount of tied.
* There disappearing jobs because workers are replaced by machines. (Depth-investment) Lokettisten be obsolete by ATMs.
* There disappearing jobs by reorganizing companies that want to work more efficiently.
* The disappearance of jobs as companies moves their production abroad. Previously, and lots of textiles made in the Netherlands, now occurs in the low-wage countries.
* There disappearing jobs because corporate profits have collapsed. Companies have no money to expand; potential business starters do not see it stuck with such low yields.
* Jobs are disappearing because the product no longer sold. For example, Lp's disappearance after the advent of the CD.
* Jobs are disappearing because some products are too expensive, like brushing your shoes on the street, clothing repairs.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

There is too little money to spend

unemployment in united states
Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Cyclical unemployment is that there is too little money to spend, for example going to a rock concert. To understand this you must know what production is. The production capacity is the maximum possible production in a given period. The production shows how much a company or an entire country can produce up to a certain period. The utilization rate was calculated as follows:

Utilization = actual production X 100% capacity = load factor which will produce the company on the basis of the Production.

Actual production = more than what the company can produce.

When spending is low in relation to production, little is produced and there are redundancies. This so called cyclical unemployment. Economicwords, cyclical unemployment is caused by the effective demand are less than the capacity.

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