unemployment in united states http://youthcm.com |
Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Firstly, unemployment means that people have a lack of income. Secondly, an important work for many people fills their lives when it comes to social networking and recognition for their capabilities.
To cyclical unemployment, the government can do two things. Firstly themselves to spend more, for example by building roads or building schools. Secondly, the government can reduce taxes or provide subsidies.
Qualitative structure to combat unemployment, the government can provide subsidies to the companies that hire unemployed. In this way, the unemployment forced.It can also be fought by labor market mobility.
The mobility of labor increases as the supply of labor (labor force) adapts to changes in demand for labor. There is job mobility between occupations as people are willing to undertake training. For example, by retraining to offer the government can try to increase labor mobility between occupations. Another example is when people are willing to take a job at a lower level. There is also the regional labor mobility. This means that people are willing to travel or relocate for a job.
Then there is labor mobility between working and not working.
This is larger than the non-workers to look for a job.
For quantitative unemployment is the most important element, reducing the labor costs for many reasons loonkosten. Lagere a positive effect on employment:
* Lower labor costs lead to lower prices. This improves the competitiveness of Dutch companies, the sales increases.
* Lower labor costs increase the profitability of companies.
The larger gains may lead companies to expand.
* Lower labor costs make it less attractive to people replaced by machines.
* Lower labor costs make it less attractive to relocate production abroad.