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In particular, the short-time works to stabilize the employment. BA board member Raimund Becker said that since the crisis began were 125 000 farms for 3.4 million employees working hours logged. In June, 1.43 million people were working in 50 000 holdings less, ceased or will cease working the equivalent of 500 000 full-time positions.
The increase in unemployment is particularly true young people: The number of under-25s on job search, compared to 2008 by almost 17 percent to 451,000th at the training market, according to BA showed no clear picture. 65 300 free training places (a decrease of 8,400 from previous year) were over 99 100 applicants in August. According to the cooperative association youth work, but the statistics deceptive about the actual conditions of time: Sun remained over 300 000 young people who would take part in promotional schemes considered.
The social security contributions fall: According to recent data from June, the number of regular employees must be paid within one year decreased by 36 000 to 27.42 million.
The crisis also impacted the BA budget: While the deficit in 2009 could handle going from reserves, 2010, a decline of 17 to 20 billion € in the books are so way.